잠시만 기다려 주세요. 로딩중입니다.


Board of Directors : Steve Jobs

CEO : Tim Cook

Senior Vice PresidentIndustrial Design : Jonathan Ive

Senior Vice PresidentiOS Software : Scott Forstall

Senior Vice PresidentRetail : Ron Johnson

Senior Vice PresidentMac Hardware Engineering : Bob Mansfield

Senior Vice President andChief Financial Officer : Peter Oppenheimer

Senior Vice PresidentWorldwide Product Marketing : Philip W. Schiller

Senior Vice President andGeneral Counsel : Bruce Sewell

Senior Vice PresidentOperations : Jeff Williams

애플의 임원(Executive)은 총 9명이며, 이사회 의장은(Board of Directors) 8명이다. 더 자세한 내용을 보고싶다면 아래 링크를 참조하면 된다.


2011. 8. 31. 21:19  ·  몽키 ♡ 연구    · · ·